SIL82 - February 12, 2018

<< Previous Flight (UAL 1923 | EWR MIA | February 10, 2018) Next Flight (SIL 71 | TPA JAX | February 12, 2018) >>
Fort Lauderdale Intl to Tampa Intl
07:08 08:00
Flight Time: 00 Hour 51 Minutes
Distance: 196.85 Miles (316.8 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: 1 Arrival Gate:
Checked Bags: 1 Baggage Claim:
Total Flights Between FLL and TPA 1 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: 340B+
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 13
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N412XJ
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 1
The flight number used for this flight: 3M82
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 2
Total flights on Silver Airways 13


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Photo EE154386-116E-4482-8483-5D74BE1138A6.jpeg SunriseSunrise view