UAL417 - September 14, 2018

<< Previous Flight (UAL 1613 | DEN LAX | September 13, 2018) Next Flight (UAL 706 | OGG LAX | September 14, 2018) >>
Los Angeles Intl to Kahului
09:29 11:40
Flight Time: 05 Hour 10 Minutes
Distance: 2,482.63 Miles (3,995.41 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: 776A Arrival Gate: 29
Checked Bags: 0 Baggage Claim:
Total Flights Between LAX and OGG 2 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: 737 Max 9
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 9
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N37504
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 2
The flight number used for this flight: UA417
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 1
Total flights on United Airlines 1,326


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Flight Status E3CE5F82-00D5-4F93-8121-1AD7846BBB14.png view
Photo E12541AE-2CF0-4973-BC46-8ABA5F1A0E07.jpeg Arrival over MauiArrival over Maui view