UAL4524 - March 19, 2018

<< Previous Flight (UAL 5254 | OKC ORD | March 19, 2018) Next Flight (UAL 448 | BOS DEN | March 21, 2018) >>

Operated By: GoJet Airlines
Chicago O'Hare Intl to Bradley Intl
09:14 11:48
Flight Time: 01 Hour 34 Minutes
Distance: 781.05 Miles (1,256.98 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: 1C5 Arrival Gate: 21
Checked Bags: Baggage Claim:
Total Flights Between ORD and BDL 1 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: CRJ-700
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 204
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N174GJ
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 2
The flight number used for this flight: UA4524
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 2
Total flights on United Airlines 1,329
Total flights on GoJet Airlines 41


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Flight Status 0853948F-6B87-4AF0-8E99-712E7ABB1CBC.png view
Photo 623ADC9A-CF97-4CD7-8BFA-DB2A056413AD.jpeg ArrivalArrival view
Photo 65391E89-6427-4957-BC57-01F92A8AF3AC.jpeg ChicagoChicago view