UAL2094 - April 18, 2018

<< Previous Flight (UAL 2156 | IAH SAN | April 15, 2018) Next Flight (UAL 6259 | IAH OKC | April 18, 2018) >>
San Diego Intl to Houston Bush Int'ctl
08:30 13:10
Flight Time: 02 Hour 40 Minutes
Distance: 1,300.62 Miles (2,093.15 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: 241 Arrival Gate: EE21
Checked Bags: 1 Baggage Claim: C2
Total Flights Between SAN and IAH 2 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: A320
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 109
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N409UA
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 1
The flight number used for this flight: UA2094
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 1
Total flights on United Airlines 1,329


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Flight Status 4D653576-89A8-4332-B371-A498AFB9C191.png Funny loop during arrivalFunny loop during arrival view
Flight Status 6E36B939-DB61-41FF-8FE1-9492C36CB314.png Flight statusFlight status view
Photo 3F2A0403-52E2-4CAA-BEA5-50B7E7571C69.jpeg DepartureDeparture view