UAL23 - June 04, 2018

<< Previous Flight (UAL 1611 | ORD EWR | June 04, 2018) Next Flight (UAL 127 | DUB IAD | June 08, 2018) >>
Newark Liberty Intl to Dublin Int'l
19:13 07:10 +1
Flight Time: 06 Hour 57 Minutes
Distance: 3,184.19 Miles (5,124.47 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: CC121 Arrival Gate: 2
Checked Bags: 1 Baggage Claim: 2
Total Flights Between EWR and DUB 1 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: 777-200
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 25
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N775UA
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 1
The flight number used for this flight: UA23
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 1
Total flights on United Airlines 1,329


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Flight Status D9BAF9EF-189E-4840-9C4E-F30D55A947C1.png view
Photo FEED358A-2BDD-4E50-BE9E-37EA63C346F4.jpeg Manhattan on departureManhattan on departure view
Photo D27954C7-8378-436B-8054-4C8555F73239.jpeg ArrivalArrival view