UAL591 - October 04, 2021

<< Previous Flight (UAL 2663 | DEN SEA | September 30, 2021) Next Flight (UAL 1714 | LGA IAH | October 08, 2021) >>
Seattle-Tacoma Intl to Newark Liberty Intl
13:12 21:01
Flight Time: 04 Hour 48 Minutes
Distance: 2,395.27 Miles (3,854.81 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: A10 Arrival Gate: CC86
Checked Bags: 1 Baggage Claim: 1
Total Flights Between SEA and EWR 1 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: 737-800
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 117
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N37253
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 1
The flight number used for this flight: UA591
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 1
Total flights on United Airlines 1,329


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