UAL4357 - June 08, 2022

<< Previous Flight (UAL 4835 | OKC DEN | June 07, 2022) Next Flight (UAL 5266 | OKC IAH | June 27, 2022) >>

Operated By: CommutAir
Denver Intl to Will Rogers World
13:51 16:04
Flight Time: 01 Hour 12 Minutes
Distance: 494.79 Miles (796.29 Kilometers)
Departure Gate: B87 Arrival Gate: 11
Checked Bags: 1 Baggage Claim: 6
Total Flights Between DEN and OKC 167 Flights
Aircraft Type for this Flight: EMB-145XR
Number of flights on this aircraft type: 20
The tail number of the airplane used for this flight: N14173
Number of times you've flown on this airplane: 2
The flight number used for this flight: UA4357
Number of times you've flown with this flight number: 1
Total flights on United Airlines 1,329
Total flights on CommutAir 13


File Type File Name Notes Functions
Photo FCC83FF0-814B-4110-9AC0-B6FE273F9D2B.jpeg Arrival view
Flight Status 05486D53-6556-4BE2-9C64-C91C68DEFE63.png view